Wednesday, 29 November 2017


WORLD AIDS DAY. 1st  DEC. 2017

कसौली बस स्टैंड पर पोलिथीन व कचरा इकट्ठा करते व स्वछता को जागरूक करते एन एस एस स्वयंसेवी।
नाहरी गाँव में स्वछता अभियान अक्तूबर 2017
कसौली बस स्टैंड पर पोलिथीन व कचरा इकट्ठा करते व स्वछता को जागरूक करते एन एस एस स्वयंसेवी।
कसौली बस स्टैंड पर पोलिथीन व कचरा इकट्ठा करते व स्वछता को जागरूक करते एन एस एस स्वयंसेवी।
स्वच्छ कसौली स्वस्थ कसौली का गुणगान करते स्वयंसेवी।

प्रात:कालीन:  योगाभ्यास
कसौली बस स्टैंड पर पोलिथीन व कचरा इकट्ठा करते व स्वछता को जागरूक करते एन एस एस स्वयंसेवी।
जनकल्याण के कार्य

 NSS Camp Oct. 2016
                                                         CAMPFIRE  NSS Camp Oct. 2016
 NSS Camp Oct. 2016
N.S.S camp was organized by programme  officer  Sh. K.K.Sharma, which started on 22.9.2013. It was inaugurated by Sh. Bhupinder  Thakur  S.M.C president was the chief guest of the opening ceremony . CRI Association Vice president Sh.Mohan Singh, S.M.C Vice president Luxmi  ,S.M.C member Lata ,S.M.C and Masobra ward member Sh.Parma Ram , Sh.Santokh Singh Parmar Lect Chemistry ,  Sh. Manoj Sharma Lect Commerce, School superintendents Sh.Prem Chand with two daughter Isha and Dimple,Smt Raj Bhakti Negi Lect Hindi , Smt.Savitri Sharma TGT wife of PO, Deepa  peon and other people of  Masobra locality also present on the occasion.
The total of 26 boys and 24 girls volunteers in the camp. During the camp volunteers learnt the value of “HEALTH PUBLIC  SANITATION and PERSONAL HYGIENE”. They were told about making their environment neat and clean .In the process they collected wrappers and by cleaned the sewage water in near  by village Masobra and Cremation  place of  Masobra .They clean all the temple and Dragaha of Masobra. Volunteers   look after the   plants and flowers which was earlier planted in the N.S.S vatika.
Volunteers were taught the value of self –cleanliness, discipline and malnutrition . In creative Swork they learn to          prepare kit lay out , to making  bags of paper ,stage   decoration, anchoring and rangoli.Volunteers know about the work of press and press reporter who interact with Sh  Manmohan of Amarujjalaand sh,.Sunder Lal of Divya Himachal.

On the eve of camp fire on 28th of September the chief guest was the president of Nahari  smt Kusum Gupta, Sh Bhupinder Thakur S.M.C president and sh Narpat panthi advisor of s.m.c and local people of kasauli were present.They give their blessingsto the volunteers and appreciated the presentation of cultural programme  and work which is done during the camp.All the people enjoyed a lot alongwith volunteers it was decorated with some culture activity and was memorable evening.
The camp was closed on 28.9.2013.The chief guest     of  valedictory ceremony were  Sh.Ashok Messi  Director of FMC&SJE , Karam Dash Bhatti  president GP  Jangaisu,Sh.Bupinder Thakur SMC president, sh. Narpat Panthi,Sh,Baldev Singh  president GP  Bhaguri and other SMC members . From GSSS Dharampur Smt. Seema Chouhan lect. History and smt Savitri  Sharma TGT also  present in the closing ceremony .Stage handled by volunteers Saloni and Mohini .Both were excited

On the closing ceremony volunteers presented cultural  programme which won the heart of whole  school . Mr Manoj Sharma, Sh Babu Ram,Mr. Parvesh Thakur , Mr.S.S Parmar , Mr.Prem chand Sharma,  Mr. Hira Chand  Thakur , Mr.Kamal Nayan,Smt. Rajbhakti Negi,Miss Santosh Negi,Smt.Neelam Rana,.Miss  Krishna,  Smt Bharti ,smt Sangeeta pal,Miss Shelja,.Deepa,Savita ,Dharm dutt ,Prem prakash and others co-operate through out the camp Without their support  I can’t imagine the success of camp.                                                                                                                                 Special thanks to Mr. Manoj ,Mr.S.S Parmar  ,Mr. Prem Chand Sharma (supd) and my worthy principal who support me to run the camp smoothly.


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